Dirty Pictures (Megan Leigh, Nina Hartley, Tracey Adams) |
Run Time: NULL
Size: 550.93 MB (577,687,876 bytes)
Type: Full Length Movie
Description: Dirty Pictures (Megan Leigh, Nina Hartley, Tracey Adams) Starring Megan Leigh, Nina Hartley, Tom Byron, Tracey Adams, from the late eighties (1987) Taken from Xonair: "A stupid simple premise lays the groundwork for a series of sizzling sex scenes in this all-but-plotless collection of carnal goodies. Basically, every scene here revolves around some folks having sex while someone else takes pictures of them. And that's it for the plot! The video still manages to produce plenty of heat, though, thanks mainly to the passionate performances of its leading ladies." Note: Where I am currently located, the internet is fairly slow, and I am seeding this myself....so please bear that in mind before shouting SEED! SEED! at me
Filelist (3)
Dirty Pictures/Dirty Pictures.avi |
550.64 Mb / (577391204) |
Dirty Pictures/Dirty Pictures_s.jpg |
161.13 Kb / (165000) |
Dirty Pictures/Cover.jpg |
128.59 Kb / (131672) |