Assault Of Innocence / assault innocent Year: 1975 Country: USA Genre: Classic, Feature, Straight, All Sex, Rape, Hardcore Duration: 00:51:09 Language: English Directed by: Joe Davian (as Joseph Davian) Studio: Something Weird Video Starring: Anna Livia Plurabella (as Annabella), Cedar Houston, Linda Trussell (as Debbie Brown), Rican Devel, Sandy Fox (as Sandy Foxx), David Savage (as David Chase), Marc Stevens, Michael Ronds, Todd Davis description: Marc Stevens is wanted for Assault of Innocence.Accused of serial rape, one of his friends calls the police to explain that Stevens is not really a rapist and that it's all just games and fun - in fact, u0026quot;more fun than a barrel of monkeys.u0026quot;Vilka14 As the telephone narration continues, we see a little old lady in a babushka standing on a corner flipping one newspaper after another, all with giant headlines that give the title and credits of the flick!And guess what?The little old lady is none other than Stevens himself, who promptly abducts Annabella and fucks the shit out of her - with her assistance, of course. Meanwhile, the friend on the phone says, u0026quot;Annabella's not much of a conversationalist, but if you think of Marc's prick as his voice, and Annabella's cunt as an ear, then one thing is certain.. . Annabella's sure a good listener.u0026quot;Vilka18 Anyway, Stevens misunderstoodu0026quot; rapes u0026quot;are really only part of the activity of something calledu0026quot; The Ten and a Half Inch Club, u0026quot;a club dedicated tou0026quot; fucking, sucking, and aiding the fight against diabetes.u0026quot;Vilka20 Marc Stevens movies typically offer a distinctive brand of zany hardcore, a mixture of self-referentiality, whimsicality, sledgehammer wit, and narcissism.If this is the brand for you, then this is the movie for you. Video Quality: DVDRip Video Format: AVI Video Codec: XviD Audio Codec: MP3 Video: 640 x 480, XviD ISO MPEG-4, 23.976 fps, 1714 kbps, 0. .233 bit / pixel Audio: MPEG-1 Layer 3, 48000Hz, 192 kb / s, Joint Stereo Size: 700 MB ******************** **************** Enjoy!DO NOT FORGET ABOUT u0026quot;THANK YOUu0026quot;!
Bordello Girls / Girls of the brothel Year: 1976 Country: USA Genre: Classic, Feature, Straight, All Sex Duration: 00:48:21 Language: English Directed by: Pierre Duvall Studio: Something Weird Video Cast: Mimi Douche, Jake Teague ( as Pierre Chevalier) Description: First up is Bordello Girls, a frothy tale about Jennifer (fortyish Mimi Douche), a wistful cathouse madam, who's visited by her fondly remembered ex-pimp, Steve (Pierre Chevalier).Now a hotshot producer of 35mm pornos.Steve has come to cajole Jennifer into making celluloid stars of her stable of hookers.But since great minds think alike, Jean has already been shooting 16mm loops of her employees in action.A duel of smut loops ensues as they proceed to compare their wares. Steve's boasts notwithstanding, his loops are indistinguishable from Jennifer's-both have dubbed soundtracks (replete with squeegee-like sucking sounds), surreal closeups of love tools spurting life-giving fluid, and enough unruly genital hair to make you feel like u0026quot;Frank Buck on Jungle Trails.u0026quot;Porno luminaries DARBY LLOYD RAINS and JOHN LESLIE do early turns here and are easily the most enthusiastic (and least verminous) of the stag reel schtuppers. Steve's final film (in which a snaggle-toothed blonde grimaces Larry Fine-like at the taste of her lover's spunk) somehow manages to win Jennifer over and they engage in an Auld Lang Syne bout of posterior intimacy.Director Pierre Duvall gets so Up Close and Personal that Ms.Duache's dilated, semen-soaked sphincter actually seems a ringer for (I kid you not) The Crawling Eye. Video Quality: DVDRip Video Format: AVI Video Codec: XviD Audio Codec: MP3 Video: 640 x 480, XviD ISO MPEG-4, 29.970 fps, 1822 kbps, 0.198 bit / pixel Audio: MPEG-1 Layer 3, 48000Hz, 192 kb / s, Joint Stereo Size: 700 MB ******************** **************** Enjoy!DO NOT FORGET ABOUT u0026quot;THANK YOUu0026quot;!
Devil's Little Acre / Acre Imp Year: 1972 Country: USA Genre: Classic, Feature, Straight, All Sex, Hardcore, Orgy, Deep Throat Duration: 00:45:02 Language: English Directed by: Unknown Studio: Something Weird Video Cast: Maria Arnold, Rene Bond Description: Nothing so wild and wooly, so crazily wonderful and so madly erotic as Devil's Little Acre has come down the pornographic pike before, and you're not likely to see anything remotely like it again! Three moronic farmboy brothers sit around their ramshackle ranch drinking, arguing, picking their noses, and giving one another the finger - all because they're horny.They, sneak over to where Maria Arnold is posing nude for a photographer in the middle of nowhere, and the brothers get all het-up. So Zeke puts in a call to Frenchy Tiggler, president of the u0026quot;Ozark Maids Employment Agency.u0026quot;Frenchy is played by Rene Bond in an over-the-top performance that defies comparison.She floats around in a red corset affecting a whispery French accent, while she encourages one of the girls to breast-feed a toy doll, and requires another to fuck pigs.(Off screen, thank God.) Vilka18 Summoning the latter from the pig sty to go to work for the Brothers Moronic, Rene steps out on the porch saying, u0026quot;Myrtle, I wanted to talk to you about a zhob.u0026quot;Then, glancing about the yard worriedly, she adds,u0026quot; Where is zee pig?I don't see my favorite pig! Did you hurt heem?u0026quot;Vilka20 Later, after two of the brothers have been provided with au0026quot; maid u0026quot;and au0026quot; nurse u0026quot;from the agency, Zeke goes for Frenchy herself.Clad only in an army helmet and belt, and carrying a mop at ready-arms, he sneaks up on Rene, who's waiting for him by leaning vamp-like against the porch-post smoking an unlit cigarette and wearing only men's briefs and a red boa round her neck! The movie ends with a delirious triple wedding that is part Bergman, part Marx Brothers, and part Mummenshantz. Dementia praecox porn!The Deviate went hog-wild over it, and it went into his permanent collection three times! Video Quality: DVDRip Video Format: AVI Video Codec: XviD Audio Codec: MP3 Video: 640 x 480, XviD ISO MPEG-4, 29.970 fps, 2036 kbps, 0.221 bit / pixel Audio: MPEG-1 Layer 3, 48000Hz, 128 kb / s, Joint Stereo Size: 700 MB ******************** **************** Enjoy!DO NOT FORGET ABOUT u0026quot;THANK YOUu0026quot;!
My Husband, the Producer / my husband, producer Year: 1974 Country: USA Genre: Classic, Feature, Straight, All Sex, Threesome, Hardcore, Hairy Length: 1:06:44 Language: English Directed by: Ernest Danna Studio: Something Weird Video Cast: Judy Craven, Heather Ellis, Alan Marlow, Darby Lloyd Rains, Levi Richards Description: In My Husband, the Producer, a real cute British lass has had enough of being u0026quot;a respectable Long Island housewife.u0026quot;Her philandering producer husband is never home and she's as horny as Hornblower (as they used to say in Kipling's day). Though there are movie posters all over the walls of his office, the husband seems to produce nothing but cum.Indeed, the duties of his perky blonde secretary don't go much beyond giving the boss head and sticking bananas up her twat. Darby Lloyd Rains drops by the office with her portfolio and instantly has a pre-interview snatch lunch with the secretary.No wonder no movies are getting produced! Well, the Deviate was glad this one was.British censorship has eradicated porn in the Commonwealth, and just watching one of the Queen's subjects swallowing Colonial cock is a treat in itself. Video Quality: DVDRip Video Format: AVI Video Codec: XviD Audio Codec: MP3 Video: 640 x 480, XviD ISO MPEG-4, 23.976 fps, 1267 kbps, 0.172 bit / pixel Audio: MPEG-1 Layer 3, 48000Hz, 192 kb / s, Joint Stereo Size: 700 MB ******************** **************** Enjoy!DO NOT FORGET ABOUT u0026quot;THANK YOUu0026quot;!
Last Sensation / The latest sensation Year: 1972 Country: USA Genre: Classic, Feature, Straight, All Sex, Orgy, Hardcore, Hairy Duration: 00:50:04 Language: English Directed by: Unknown Studio: Something Weird Video Starring: Carmen Olivera, Ric Lutze Description: Our next artifact is Last Sensation.This one has no storyline and muddled dialogue.Basically, some misfit named Fred (Ric Lutze) wanders around emptying his cream stick into every orifice he sees.After a hard day at the office (u0026quot;Some fairy tried to pick me up and blow me.u0026quot;), He goes home to participate in an orgy. As in most 1970s XXX grinders, people take forever to get undressed.Last Sensation, stars the usual gang of subhumans.Minus the facial hair, I guess the women would be somewhat appealing.The guys have dandruff on their nuts and look in dire need of antibiotics. Video Quality: DVDRip Video Format: AVI Video Codec: XviD Audio Codec: MP3 Video: 640 x 480, XviD ISO MPEG-4, 23.976 fps, 1755 kbps, 0.238 bit / pixel Audio: MPEG-1 Layer 3, 48000Hz, 192 kb / s, Joint Stereo Size: 700 MB ******************** **************** Enjoy!DO NOT FORGET ABOUT u0026quot;THANK YOUu0026quot;!
Sexual Therapist / sexologist Year: 1971 Country: USA Genre: Classic, Feature, Straight, All Sex Duration: 00:53:37 Language: English Directed by: Unknown Studio: Something Weird Video Starring: Cyndee Summers, Orita De Chadwick, Keith Erickson, Rick Lutze Description: To hell with those skeptics who think therapy doesn't work!The proof is in the pudenda, especially when Hilary (Cyndee Summers), a Sexual Therapist, is doing the u0026quot;counseling.u0026quot;She's the adorable sex shrink with a heart of gold, who doesn't waste any time gettingu0026quot; down u0026quot;to theu0026quot; root u0026quot;of the problem. This becomes abundantly clear when she engages in some deep, deep, very deep therapy with Rick Lutze.But her star patients are Mr. and Mrs.John Knowles (Keith Erickson and Orita De Chadwick) who seek help for their sexual dysfunction. A session with Hillary is run strictly according to standard medical procedures: a couple of belts of whiskey, relaxing chit-chat, and some gentle genital massage.u0026quot;I never dreamed it could be like this / purrs Mrs. Knowles. Hubby John quickly responds to porn therapy - especially after Hillary takes him to u0026quot;group counselingu0026quot; at friend Myra's place in the Canyon (where what sounds like a macaque is screeching in the off-screen palms).But the frigid Mrs.Knowles, suffering from some u0026quot;hangups from her childhood days,u0026quot; needs a more radical approach.So Hillary utilizes the highly sophisticated therapeutic technique known as u0026quot;Follow the Leaderu0026quot; to get the lady to take off her clothes. Miraculously, all her hangups vanish! The priapic Mr.Knowles finds a receptive welcome between his wife's legs, and they both live happily ever after. Video Quality: DVDRip Video Format: AVI Video Codec: XviD Audio Codec: MP3 Video: 640 x 480, XviD ISO MPEG-4, 29.970 fps, 1624 kbps, 0.176 bit / pixel Audio: MPEG-1 Layer 3, 48000Hz, 192 kb / s, Joint Stereo Size: 700 MB ******************** **************** Enjoy!DO NOT FORGET ABOUT u0026quot;THANK YOUu0026quot;!
Sex Gallery / Seksgalereya Year: 1974 Country: USA Genre: Classic, Feature, Straight, All Sex Duration: 00:55:37 Language: English Directed by: Unknown Studio: Something Weird Video Starring: Unknown Description: A wacked -out sculptor by the name of u0026quot;The Mad Man of Mackelsteinu0026quot; (a pervier version of that Bob Ross character on public television) has been luring young models to his studio where he then screws and encapsulates them in a state of suspended animation, u0026quot; turning the gals into gaudily painted works of art (a la those annoying living sculptures always featured on the news). This looks like a job for Pussy Valentine, u0026quot;Private Beaver!u0026quot;After sufficiently prodding herself with a dildo and a gun barrel, thenu0026quot; comforting u0026quot;a client who's looking for his missing girlfriends, Pussy investigates the Mad Man'su0026quot; master piece.u0026quot;Vilka16 Talk about art appreciation! Video Quality: DVDRip Video Format: AVI Video Codec: XviD Audio Codec: MP3 Video: 640 x 480, XviD ISO MPEG-4, 23.976 fps, 1560 kbps, 0.212 bit / pixel Audio: MPEG-1 Layer 3, 48000Hz, 192 kb / s, Joint Stereo
Skin Flick Madness / Sexual madness Year: 1971 Country: USA Genre: Classic, Feature, Straight, All Sex Duration: 00:46:21 Language: English Director: Bluth Blaine Studio: Something Weird Video Cast: Sandy Dempsey, Richard Smedley Description: If you don't already know Sandy Dempsey from her sexploitation films (Country Hooker, The Dirty Mind of Young Sally, among many others), Skin Flick Madness is as good an introduction as you can come by.If you already know Sandy - the gal with the butterfly tattoo on her thigh - you already love her and will enjoy this crazy little film. Forced to watch a skin flick by her boyfriend, Harold, Sandy squirms in her theater seat and kvetches and whines to beat the band.Meanwhile, we see the sex scenes she is reluctant to watch, one of them showcasing the magnificent USCHI DIGART in a very early role. Gradually, Sandy quiets down as she gets turned on by the movie, and then she's hocking Harold to have sex with her right there in the theater!The transformation from reluctant viewer to horny toad is right up Sandy's alley which, of course, is where she wants Harold. Video Quality: DVDRip Video Format: AVI Video Codec: XviD Audio Codec: MP3 Video: 640 x 480, XviD ISO MPEG-4, 23.976 fps, 1912 kbps, 0.260 bit / pixel Audio: MPEG-1 Layer 3, 48000Hz, 192 kb / s, Joint Stereo Size: 700 MB ******************** **************** Enjoy!DO NOT FORGET ABOUT u0026quot;THANK YOUu0026quot;!
Once In A Lifetime / Once in a lifetime Year: 1970 Country: USA Genre: Classic, Feature, Straight, All Sex,, Orgy, Hardcore, Hairy Duration: 00:50:16 Language: English Directed by: Unknown Studio: Something Weird Video Cast: Unknown Description: The libido of suburbia is (yet again!) Exposed, hardcore style, in Once in a Lifetime. The plot: when hubby's away, wifey will play.u0026quot;All I wanna do is fuck, fuck, fuck!u0026quot;She announces to her girlfriend, Cindy, who appears to have identical aspirations. The milkman delivers two loads of cream before he can get out the back door.Then a pollster conveniently knocks at the front door. Then a couple of neighbors drop in.Boy, the American suburbs were happening back then! When hubby comes home early from the office, he is delighted to find an orgy in progress in his living room.So are his clients when they stop by to sign some contracts! In Florida, The American Daughters of Decency picketed this film, and though the Deviate hates the very idea of u200bu200bdecency, he must admit that, this rime, they were probably right! Video Quality: DVDRip Video Format: AVI Video Codec: XviD Audio Codec: MP3 Video: 640 x 480, XviD ISO MPEG-4, 23.976 fps, 1747 kbps, 0.237 bit / pixel Audio: MPEG-1 Layer 3, 48000Hz, 192 kb / s, Joint Stereo Size: 700 MB ******************** **************** Enjoy!DO NOT FORGET ABOUT u0026quot;THANK YOUu0026quot;!
The Coming Of Angie / Angie Check Year: 1972 Country: USA Genre: Classic, Feature, Straight, All Sex Duration: 00:53:24 Language: English Directed by: Unknown Studio: Something Weird Video Cast: Joyce Jaw, Much Mary, Suzy Sucker, Long Peter, Tricky Dick Description: A truant officer gets a blowjob and an employment agent gets laid, both compliments of the title character in The Coming of Angie.For Angie, we are repeatedly told, u0026quot;really knows what she's doing.u0026quot;The Deviate was dubious. When Angie auditions for a pimp in a threesome, an anorexic Asian harpy shows up and things really get ugly.The actors here find it very hard to keep a straight face, and can be seen regularly cracking up.Just before the final orgy, they all sit around for a good half minute, saying and doing nothing, until someone off-camera yells instructions and they suddenly remember they're supposed to be fucking. Though the Deviate is still dubious as to Angle's knowing what she's doing, he rather enjoyed watching her do it. Video Quality: DVDRip Video Format: AVI Video Codec: XviD Audio Codec: MP3 Video: 704 x 528, XviD ISO MPEG-4, 29.970 fps, 1695 kbps, 0.152 bit / pixel Audio: MPEG-1 Layer 3, 48000Hz, 128 kb / s, Joint Stereo Size: 700 MB ******************** **************** Enjoy!DO NOT FORGET ABOUT u0026quot;THANK YOUu0026quot;!