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Total size: 4.26 GB Number of folders: 1 Average folder size: 4.26 GB Number of files: 17 Average file size: 256.39 MB Folder columns: Name
Latina/Latino → Mike in Brazil - Sara - Cup Madness (7.3.10) **New** |
Latest Mike in Brazil - Sara - Cup Madness (7.3.10). Enjoy, comment, and seed. --- Tony was not exaggerating when he said that he hooked up with a hot menina with a monstrous booty. Her ass has to be voted in as one of the eight wonders of the word. Sarra took Tony to booty heaven and back. She bounced her ass all over his face until he was rock hard and then proceeded to give him a superb blowjob. When she was done slobbing on the knob, Tony fucked her all over the place. It was simply amazing watching her magnificent ass in motion.
V359 PAMELA. Another popular model of the time! Minidress, gloves, hold-ups, thong, school uniform, ankle socks, panties, blouses, skirts, lotion, stockings & suspenders, basque, nurse uniforms, tights, tops, furry pussy. No Talking, just background music. The last tape seemed to go down well, so heres another one for you all. :o) My connection is shared, so I'm only able to seed at night between 9pm - 8am GMT
Masturbation → Lady Sonia: Strapped Down and Full Milking - May 8, 2010 |
Lady Sonia: Strapped Down and Full Milking - May 8, 2010 This virile young stud has been selected to serve as a “sex slave” at one of my ladies only parties but before the arrangements can be made he has to be tested to see if he will be able to give us all FULL satisfaction! First of all the slave is strapped down to the examination table so that he is completely helpless and then I can go to work on his extremely excited cock! It takes me just a few moments to get his cock throbbing and as ridged as iron and leaking precum in a steady flow… And then all it takes is a little EXPERT teasing to get him to the very brink of orgasm time and time again as I test his self control to the absolute limit before milking him dry with my skilful hands wrapped in skin tight black leather gloves! Would you like to serve at a ladies only party at the stables here? Do you think that YOU have what it takes?
Mandingo's Cougars Plus 2 Bonus Scenes Length: 1 hrs. 12 mins. Production Year: 2010 Studio: West Coast Productions Performers: Cynthia Vellons, Heather Hunter, Jamey Janes, Klarisa Leow, Mandingo
. . . short clip of Chloe18 . . . . one of my all time favorites (who seems to have disappeared as the site hasn't updated in years now). . . ...comments, concerns, or thanks n such are always appreciated **Check out my other torrents Here!** Enjoy & Please help Seed!
All Girl → Mature.nl - GROUP SEX + LESBO UPDATE (HD) |
Mature.nl - GROUP SEX + LESBO UPDATE (HD) videos + picture sets
Amateur → BackroomCastingCouch - Katie |
Me: What do you think of Obama? Katie: He's tall. Me: What do you do for fun? Katie: I eat cookie dough. HIGHLIGHTS: Deep-throating, painful facial expressions, anal with ass to mouth and swallowing with a smile =)
With his stepmother dead, and his father transferred to another city, Yuto is living alone with his ample-bosomed step sister Erika. Temptation soon gets the best of them and they start indulging their forbidden passions. They also attend the same university and it's not long before their equally ample-bosomed music teacher, Sayaka, discovers their taboo relationship. Sayaka begins falling love with Yuto and threatens to reveal his secret if he does not succumb to her needs.
This twisted love triangle spells nothing but trouble and is bound for a surprising finale...
Genre............: Hentai
Distributor......: Kitty Media
Year.............: 2009
Country..........: Japan
Source...........: DVD5 Retail
DVD Format.......: NTSC
DVD Size.........: DVD5
Programs used....: DVDDecrypter
Video Bitrate....: Unkown
Screen Format....: 4:3
Audio Language...: Japanese
Audio Format.....: DTS, etc.
Subtitles........: English
Menu.............: [ x] Untouched, intact.
[ ] Stripped.
Video............: [ x] Untouched, intact.
[ ] Re-encoded.
DVD Extras.......: [x] Untouched, intact.
[ ] Re-encoded.
[ ] Stripped.
[ ] None on source.
Uploader's Comments:
*original from Dayfydd
All Covers can be found at aacovers
Please note that I will release series as batch if I have the complete series. I will release batches containing more than two discs, two weeks a part and I will try to release at least a single volume at least every week as hard drive space allows. Also please note that I only release DVD iso's so don't ask for .avi or .mkv formats because I don't and will not do it. If you don't like the size of the torrent then don't download it. Also, I don't use any program but DVDdecrypter because .iso's are compatible with every system. Ratdvd only works with Ratdvd and only on windose. Yes, I have a Mac Intel which I run windose on only to make .iso's for sharing on bittorrent.
Please seed to at least a 1:1 ratio. Give back what you get. Don't hit and run on my torrents. This forces me to seed for longer which means you will have to wait longer for the next release
Reason why I don't do encodes
I know alot of people like to encode to .avi or .mkv but I don't. Most of the hentai that I have listed here and will post I first downloaded in either .avi (subs hard set in video) or .mkv (subs soft set and mutliple subs present and audio.) I have went out and bought it because I prefer the higher quality video and the ability to setup the movie to either have english dub or japanese. I also at one time did alot of fansubbing of anime with a group of quys who would get the asian DVD and encoded and then put subs on it. We, all use to bitch about the loss of quality in video even set to the highest setting in the program we were using. The video quality loss was about 10 to 25% all the time. I have a 62 inch HDTV screen that I watch TV and also video's on. All of them were grainy and had audio problems which I don't have with DVD's. I want to provide the highest quality release to others here on Puretna. One, that I remember the most in this is La Blue Girl I downloaded it from Puretna in .avi and .mkv a long time back, I have bought the DVD's and the quality of the .avi's is half of what the DVD's are. I have also seen some bootleg DVD's that use .avi's that they get for a series and there is no comparison on quality between them. I am a member of another anime site which only does DVD's it takes me at most 15 min's to get each DVD in .iso form. When encoding at the highest level avaiable it would take around 2 to 3 hours to re-encode the video and audio(after demuxing them in the first place). Not to mention geting the subtitles ripped from the DVD and timed right.
Asian → Mare Isago - The New Girl Job Vol. 15 [Uncensored] |
Language: Japanese Uncensored.